Longer Review/sneak peek of FOLKERSYSTEM VERT SHOCK| How to increase your vertical

Longer Review/sneak peek of FOLKERSYSTEM VERT SHOCK| How to increase your vertical 

Ever wish you could dunk on That Guy on the court? You know the one, too cocky for his own good, likes to talk too much trash? Way better in his head than in real life? Ever wanted to be able to be the guy with the highest vertical or be able to sky for a rebound to the amazement of your friends? Are you hoping for a basketball scholarship and need that extra little something to get you over the top? Want to impress that girl sitting in the stands on a Friday night or next to the neighborhood court?

If so, the Folkersystem Vert Shock program is for you. This vertical jump training program will have you winning dunk contests in no time flat. Or maybe you play volleyball and want to jump out of the gym, spiking hard on everyone above the net. Run parkour and need to get over that wall with ease? Adam Folker can help you with that too.

You can get instant access to everything here: http://tinyurl.com/p2hegbc

The thing that makes Vert Shock such an amazing product for learning to jump higher fast is an 8 week program of very specific exercises, along with videos showing exactly how each should be done and how may sets and reps to do.

Here's what you're going to experience...
Vert Shock is split into 3 phases:

1. Pre-Shock Phase:
In the first 7 days of the Vert Shock program your vertical jump will increase by 3 -- 5 inches. This is called the 'Pre-Shock' phase and is designed to get your body ready for what's to come.
2. Shock Phase:
Then you enter the 'Shock' phase which is 6 weeks long. This is the main part of the program and is where your nervous system is 'shocked' into leaping higher than all your friends thought possible.
3. Post-Shock Phase:
And the final phase of the program is the 'Post-Shock' phase. This is a full week where everything your body 'learned' in the previous phases becomes cemented in your muscle memory.

So after 8 weeks and going through all 3 phases of the Vert Shock Program you will have added 9 -- 15 inches to your vertical jump.

Vert Shock is going to:
Give you explosive power 'on tap' like Jordan and Kobe.
Increase your lateral speed exponentially.
Slash your reaction time by half.
Let you become more dominant on the court.
Get you noticed by scouts and recruiting services.
Have other teams put you at the top of their scouting report.
Have that cute girl watch you at the next game.
Force your coach to give you more court time.
Have you finish around the rim.
Let you block shots off the glass.
Grab more rebounds.
Give you a powerful psychological advantage over your opponents.
Make teammates come to you for advice, tips and training.
...and perhaps even get you a scholarship, pro ball contract or sponsorship deal.

But don't take my word for it, CLICK THIS LINK  http://tinyurl.com/p2hegbc
and get instant access for yourself!